Today we were learning to draw some Maori inspired patterns so that we can decorate a star for Matariki. Here is what the students of Room 2 said:
Abdifatah: we are learning about Maori patterns
Aryan: patterns are made of different things and they repeat
Ehmarze: we drew Maori patterns and we copied them
Hameed: I learnt to do the curvy lines inside the waves
Jesse: we learnt to do the waves pattern
Kapi: I learnt about Matariki
Lukman: I learnt about doing the triangles
Merion: Matariki is special because it's the Maori New Year
Molly: I learnt about drawing the patterns and making all the patterns
Samu: patterns - I like them
Rosa: I was learning to make Maori patterns
Tauni: I was learning about the 7 stars and Matariki
Valentino: I learnt about Matariki and doing the Maori patterns