
Tuesday 22 November 2016

Maths - Probability

We have been learning about probability. Our learning has mainly been around probability vocabulary, exploring the meaning of words such as will, will not, might, could, definitely, chances and to some extent, likelihood. To help us, we watched an on-line book and read a story called Probably Pistachio. These stories also introduced us to the concept of chance, for example, what are the chances of picking a red apple out of a bag of 10 apples if there are 7 red apples and 3 green apples? 

Below are photos of children exploring probability vocabulary.

Tuesday 15 November 2016


Room 2 children began learning about Diwali by reading a few stories and looking at different Rangoli designs. We made Diwali candles and coloured in some Diwali pictures. The mother and grandmothers of one of our students came in to school and made Rangoli designs while classes watched. It was such a lovely experience. Thank you very much Dolly!  

Healthy Living Day 11.11.16

Last Friday, May Road School hosted a Healthy Living Day. We had representatives from different organisations providing information to children and their families about health issues such as managing asthma, head lice (nits), energy efficiency for warmer, healthier homes and providing assistance with winter clothing and buying school stationery. There were also plenty of fun physical activities to do - essential for good health and development - such as basketball, football and skipping, all of which are easy and inexpensive to do at home! 

In the morning, Room 2 children worked with their wonderful buddy class, Room 14, to make a healthy fruit, cereal and yoghurt parfait - perfect for breakfast, a snack or dessert. Yummy!!



We have been learning to measure using non-standard units. This means, using items to measure things instead of using standard units of measurement such as centimetres. In the following pictures, Room 2 children are measuring the length or width of the classroom mat, chairs and distances between objects using their hands or feet. They independently chose the things they wanted to measure. Great to see independent thinking happening in the classroom!

Keeping Ourselves Safe

As part of Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS), Room 2 children have been learning, with Constable Jamieson, about sneaky driveways and how to cross the road safely. They have also been learning about the importance of knowing their home address and telephone number and who a safe person may be to help them if they are lost. Here are pictures of some children working on their address and telephone number.

Working on our addresses and telephone numbers with Miss Ocampo

Thursday 22 September 2016

We've had such an exciting term! Room 2 children were busy learning their song and dance - We'll All Be Famous - for the school's production of The Peace Child. There were 2 performances and they went very well. We also had a special visitor to our school - Israel Folau - a super talented rugby player from Australia who is related to one of our teachers. How lucky are we?

Have a great holiday and see you again next term!

Friday 5 August 2016

Cook Island Language Week

This week was Cook Island Language Week.  To celebrate this, Room 2 made a paper tivaevae.  A tivaevae is a really special quilt made out of material.  Tivaevae are made by women and can take months or even years to complete.  They are given as gifts on really special occasions.    

Friday 20 May 2016

Enviro Day

May Road School is an Enviro School.  To help improve our environment, each class undertook a project.  Room 2 decided to paint a mural on the concrete block wall of our deck.  As we are learning about plants and gardening throughout the year - and painting- we thought it would be a good idea to paint a mural of a garden scene.  We were so fortunate to have some volunteers from SPARK help us and Geri too.  We had so much FUN and painted a beautiful picture!

Our wonderful volunteers, Uma and Sujata

Primary Science Week

This week was Primary Science Week and the topic was soil.  Classes did a soil experiment using soil from our school grounds.  Brian organised the equipment for us all.  He put some soil in a jar.  We added water, stirred it all up and then left it to settle.  What will happen? 

Sharing ideas with a partner

We thought about what might happen (prediction) and then thought of some questions to ask so we could learn more about soil (scientists ask questions)

Look at the stratification!

13 May 2016

Room 2 children are learning to paint and so we need to learn about colours. To help us, we painted colour wheels.  Mrs. Swain put out the 3 primary colours - red, yellow and blue - for us to use.  We had to mix the primary colours to make secondary colours (orange, purple, green).