
Friday 20 May 2016

Enviro Day

May Road School is an Enviro School.  To help improve our environment, each class undertook a project.  Room 2 decided to paint a mural on the concrete block wall of our deck.  As we are learning about plants and gardening throughout the year - and painting- we thought it would be a good idea to paint a mural of a garden scene.  We were so fortunate to have some volunteers from SPARK help us and Geri too.  We had so much FUN and painted a beautiful picture!

Our wonderful volunteers, Uma and Sujata

Primary Science Week

This week was Primary Science Week and the topic was soil.  Classes did a soil experiment using soil from our school grounds.  Brian organised the equipment for us all.  He put some soil in a jar.  We added water, stirred it all up and then left it to settle.  What will happen? 

Sharing ideas with a partner

We thought about what might happen (prediction) and then thought of some questions to ask so we could learn more about soil (scientists ask questions)

Look at the stratification!

13 May 2016

Room 2 children are learning to paint and so we need to learn about colours. To help us, we painted colour wheels.  Mrs. Swain put out the 3 primary colours - red, yellow and blue - for us to use.  We had to mix the primary colours to make secondary colours (orange, purple, green).  


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