
Friday 24 November 2017


Room 2 students have been learning about air. We explored by trialling and comparing different objects to see whether they floated - fell slowly to the ground - or if they fell quickly. We looked at a foam peg board, a piece of tinsel, some tissue paper, a feather and a plastic unifix cube.  Students then grouped the objects into ones which floated and ones which did not.  Which one do you think floated and which ones didn't?

Friday 17 November 2017


For science, children in Room 2 have been learning about air. We are looking at things that float in air and looked more closely at the role that air plays in making bubbles float and move!

Assembly Dance

Last week May Road School celebrated Diwali. Room 2 learnt a dance which the children performed at assembly today. Have a look at the clear actions of the children...

Friday 3 November 2017

Term 4

Welcome back to Term 4!

The term began with some road safety lessons taken by our wonderful Constable Jamieson. Children learnt about how to check sneaky driveways and how to check a road before crossing it. A few lucky children got to sit in the police car, talk on the speaker and turn the siren on!

Friday 22 September 2017

NZ Elections

Room 2 has been learning about tomorrow's election. We were learning about the leaders of the main parties and what a party means in politics. Merion had heard of Jacinda Ardern and Bill English. Great noticing what's happening around you Merion!

Friday 11 August 2017


Outside Room 2 is a large liquidambar tree. Magpies enjoy sitting in the tree and the birds have really caught the attention of the children in Room 2. This inspired Mr Gibson, our amazing student teacher, to teach a technology unit on bird feeders. 

Children were introduced to some construction equipment and terms - drill, sander, ear muffs, screws, pilot hole. Kapi could remember many of these terms including the pilot hole! Fantastic learning Kapi! 

Friday 28 July 2017

Term 3

Welcome to Term 3! The term has begun well with lots of learning and fun taking place in Room 2. Luke Gibson, our fabulous student teacher, has been teaching this week. Thank-you Mr. Gibson!

Children have completed a wonderful art unit making tapa inspired pictures. They worked really hard to create pictures that had large flower shapes and patterns.

Friday 23 June 2017

Matariki Art

Today we were learning to draw some Maori inspired patterns so that we can decorate a star for Matariki. Here is what the students of Room 2 said:
Abdifatah: we are learning about Maori patterns
Aryan: patterns are made of different things and they repeat
Ehmarze: we drew Maori patterns and we copied them
Hameed: I learnt to do the curvy lines inside the waves 
Jesse: we learnt to do the waves pattern
Kapi: I learnt about Matariki 
Lukman: I learnt about doing the triangles
Merion: Matariki is special because it's the Maori New Year
Molly: I learnt about drawing the patterns and making all the patterns
Samu: patterns - I like them
Rosa: I was learning to make Maori patterns 
Tauni: I was learning about the 7 stars and Matariki
Valentino: I learnt about Matariki and doing the Maori patterns

Matariki 2017

Next week we are celebrating Matariki, the Maori New Year. Our learning about Matariki began with an informative and fun visit to Stardome last week. We learnt about Matariki, a cluster of 7 stars, visible to us in New Zealand from June-April each year.

Then we had a play in the park afterwards....

Friday 5 May 2017

Term 2

Term 2 has got off to a great start! Today we were learning about colours in art. We learnt that there are 3 primary colours (red, blue and yellow) and that they can be mixed to make secondary colours (orange, green and purple). The really fun part was when we applied our new learning by painting a colour wheel. When we had finished, we practised drawing on our white boards. It was a great morning!

Friday 7 April 2017


Following on from last week's post, we left our bowls of coloured water and waited for a few days to see what would happen. We noticed that some water had disappeared....and after a few more days it had disappeared completely, leaving just the food colouring behind! But where did the water go? Some of us thought the water went down. So we had to think like a scientist and talk about what we noticed with our eyes. We then did a bit of research and found out that the water had evaporated - it had turned into a gas and was in the air around us! 

No more water! Where did it go?

Friday 31 March 2017

Science Time in Room 2

Room 2 has been learning how to be scientists by doing a water experiment. Hameed and Jesse said we added some food colouring to some water. Merion said we then poured the coloured water into a bowl. Kapi remembered that we left the water on a table, which was not in the sun. What will happen next?